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Pentathalon Semester 1

As an experiential component of College Park Arts Scholars, I attended a selection of five art events during my first semester. These events ranged in art mediums and each sparked dialogue among my peers. 


Art Therapy Collage #visual art

I do not have much experience with visual art, so I decided to start with art therapy. After researching and experimenting with various types of art therapy, I began working on a collage. The theme of my collage was "peace," as that seemed very therapeutic to me. I primarily focused on texture in this piece. I put a lot of thought into not only the patterns of the paper, but also the contrast in texture between the torn and cut pages.

Who decides what art means? TEDtalk #presentation

I became very interested in how different people interpret artwork or define a piece as "art" after discussing it during one colloquium class so I decided to look into that subject a little more. On October 4, I found a TEDtalk which discussed the two very different viewpoints on how art gets its meaning. These views include the ideals of Wimsatt and Beardsley, who suggested that the artist's intentions were irrelevant and the views of Knapp and Michaels, who thought that there is only one meaning, created by the artist. I think I am in the middle of these ideas, because I think the "true" meaning is the one created by the artists, but the viewers can also express their own interpretation.


TA (Maddi Rihn) Zinemaking Workshop #literature #artscholars

On Thursday, October 8, I attended a zinemaking workshop! I had a really great time and learned a lot about zines, both historically as well as how to make them. Honestly, I was not quite sure what exactly zines were going into the workshop, and by the end I had created my own on inspiring thoughts! It was really fun to learn this new skill, and although my first attempt did not turn out well, I plan to try again in the future! I can definitely see this being applicable to my major by using a zine to present a business topic.

 Uband Thanksgiving Concert #music

This Thanksgiving Season, Uband worked together to create a Fall concert. Under normal circumstances, this would have been held in person. This year we each played along with a "backing track" through headphones and then submitted our individual recordings to our professor to compile. Although this is through a course, it was done completely in our free time to bring cheer to the public this holiday season. Besides learning things such as recording an instrument skillfully, I also learned the value of teamwork. Even though this is not usually how ensemble performances happen, we all worked together to create something for the community,

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Co-Study Session #artscholars #music

On Saturday, December 12, I attended a study session hosted by our GA Gabbi. We explored one study technique called Pomodoro, which is when we study for 25 minutes then have a 5 minute break. I stayed from 1-3 so I attended 4 rounds During the study session, I worked on small "cheat sheets" for an upcoming exam, while also listening to Brazilian Lofi. I really enjoyed the soundscape selections because they helped me to stay calm and focused.

Pentathlon: News

Pentathalon Semester 2

As an experiential component of College Park Arts Scholars, I attended a selection of five art events during my first semester. These events ranged in art mediums and each sparked dialogue among my peers. 


She Kills Monsters #theatre

Event Logistics: January 29, 2021; home; Whitman High School play



As an opportunity to support Whitman's art program and hang out with a new Art Scholars friend, I watched the play She Kills Monsters. The play is about a girl who loses her little sister Tilly in a car accident, but she switches between reality and a real Dungeon and Dragons game. To be quite honest, I was a little lost for part of the play, but it all came together at the end and made an extremely well done performance given the circumstances. 


My favorite part of the play was the way that they were able to execute certain parts in a digital format. For example, the actors and actresses changed their background to represent the change from the real world to fantasy. Also, there were very creative scene changes featuring ensemble members playing basketball, opening lockers, etc. 


By watching this performance, I witnessed many creative ways to put on a play virtually. I could tell that a lot of work was put into the execution and it definitely paid off. Many of the obstacles that they overcame are similar to those that I face in my college experience, especially because I participate in performance-based music classes. In addition to this, I got to spend time with one of my new neighbors in the dorm, Eva! I am new to campus this semester and was really glad that I got to meet someone new!


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Peer Mentor Game Session #presentation

Event logistics: February 6, 2020; home; Peer mentor Game Session


I chose to attend this game afternoon because I hoped that it would allow me to meet more people in artscholars! Meeting people has obviously been difficult because of COVID-19, and it was even more difficult last semester because I was still living at home. Although I am on campus now, I still would like to learn more about the people in artscholars. I especially love these more social events because we can truly learn more about each other's personality, not just their name and major. 


My favorite part of this event was learning about a new game. It is called drawphone and kind of works like telephone. I have played something similar on paper, but getting to do this with my classmates was really fun. It was also really neat to see everyone's very different drawing styles and interpretations of specific words and phrases. Some of my favorite drawings were from the phrase "cow jumping over the moon" (although my opinion is biased because I am obsessed with cows). 


In this workshop, I learned the value of communication. I am a pretty shy person and do not mind being alone, but this event gave me a reason to step out of my comfort zone and meet new people. I have slowly but surely been learning how to interact with others in a way that is still manageable for me, but will also let me form connections with those around me. I think this event was a perfect opportunity for me to just have a fun time while talking to my classmates and learn about them and their drawing skills. 

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2 for 2 Pentathlon Event: #presentation

Event logistics: February 28, 2021; home; AAB and peer mentors workshops

I decided to attend this workshop because I wanted to support my peers in AAB. I love getting to see what they work on and be supportive in any way possible. Similar to my goals with other events, I am trying to get to know my ArtScholars peers better, and because I could attend two workshops this seemed like the perfect opportunity. The event provided a nice opportunity to see other's skills shine. I unfortunately had some technological issues so I did not get to play as much, but it was still really fun to see everyone else.


My favorite part of this event was getting to watch everyone else's' interpretations of silly sketches. With games like these I always enjoy watching the chat box to see peoples' "gears turning" in real time. Sometimes I have no clue how they are seeing certain things, but other times it is really helpful and can even lead to the discovery of the correct answer.


In this workshop, I learned the value of accommodation. I was moved both times because there were too many people, so I went into a workshop not expecting to participate in that one. However, it was a fun challenge to change my mindset and go in with a positive attitude. Attending this workshop instead of the one that I originally chose helped me to gain skills in adaptability and accommodation, leading to a fun workshop despite the circumstances.


Headspace Meditation Docu-series #film

For my final Pentathlon of this semester, I watched a docu-series on Netflix titled Headspace: A Guide to Meditation. As I was looking for film options, this one immediately sparked my interest. I remembered watching a headspace video as a warm up or ending to Colloquium last semester! It was one of my favorite activities from first semester, so I decided to watch this and hopefully learn a little more. 


My favorite part of this film was how calming it was. Because it was a show about meditation, it included both descriptions of meditation techniques as well as "trial" times where the viewer could interact in guided meditation. This was especially relaxing and informational following a very busy school week and weekend.


By watching this I learned a lot about the value of meditation. I did not know very much prior to watching Headspace: A Guide to Meditation but after hearing about the narrator's personal experiences it was very straightforward to follow along. In addition, it opened my eyes to trying out meditation more. I often find myself struggling with relaxation and de-stressing techniques because I do not thing I am "good" at them, but the show did a great job of explaining that even if it seems wrong, it probably is not (or even if it is than that's part of the process.

Pentathlon: News

Pentathalon Semester 2

As an experiential component of College Park Arts Scholars, I attended a selection of five art events during my first semester. These events ranged in art mediums and each sparked dialogue among my peers. 


She Kills Monsters #theatre

Event Logistics: January 29, 2021; home; Whitman High School play



As an opportunity to support Whitman's art program and hang out with a new Art Scholars friend, I watched the play She Kills Monsters. The play is about a girl who loses her little sister Tilly in a car accident, but she switches between reality and a real Dungeon and Dragons game. To be quite honest, I was a little lost for part of the play, but it all came together at the end and made an extremely well done performance given the circumstances. 


My favorite part of the play was the way that they were able to execute certain parts in a digital format. For example, the actors and actresses changed their background to represent the change from the real world to fantasy. Also, there were very creative scene changes featuring ensemble members playing basketball, opening lockers, etc. 


By watching this performance, I witnessed many creative ways to put on a play virtually. I could tell that a lot of work was put into the execution and it definitely paid off. Many of the obstacles that they overcame are similar to those that I face in my college experience, especially because I participate in performance-based music classes. In addition to this, I got to spend time with one of my new neighbors in the dorm, Eva! I am new to campus this semester and was really glad that I got to meet someone new!


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Peer Mentor Game Session #presentation

Event logistics: February 6, 2020; home; Peer mentor Game Session


I chose to attend this game afternoon because I hoped that it would allow me to meet more people in artscholars! Meeting people has obviously been difficult because of COVID-19, and it was even more difficult last semester because I was still living at home. Although I am on campus now, I still would like to learn more about the people in artscholars. I especially love these more social events because we can truly learn more about each other's personality, not just their name and major. 


My favorite part of this event was learning about a new game. It is called drawphone and kind of works like telephone. I have played something similar on paper, but getting to do this with my classmates was really fun. It was also really neat to see everyone's very different drawing styles and interpretations of specific words and phrases. Some of my favorite drawings were from the phrase "cow jumping over the moon" (although my opinion is biased because I am obsessed with cows). 


In this workshop, I learned the value of communication. I am a pretty shy person and do not mind being alone, but this event gave me a reason to step out of my comfort zone and meet new people. I have slowly but surely been learning how to interact with others in a way that is still manageable for me, but will also let me form connections with those around me. I think this event was a perfect opportunity for me to just have a fun time while talking to my classmates and learn about them and their drawing skills. 

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2 for 2 Pentathlon Event: #presentation

Event logistics: February 28, 2021; home; AAB and peer mentors workshops

I decided to attend this workshop because I wanted to support my peers in AAB. I love getting to see what they work on and be supportive in any way possible. Similar to my goals with other events, I am trying to get to know my ArtScholars peers better, and because I could attend two workshops this seemed like the perfect opportunity. The event provided a nice opportunity to see other's skills shine. I unfortunately had some technological issues so I did not get to play as much, but it was still really fun to see everyone else.


My favorite part of this event was getting to watch everyone else's' interpretations of silly sketches. With games like these I always enjoy watching the chat box to see peoples' "gears turning" in real time. Sometimes I have no clue how they are seeing certain things, but other times it is really helpful and can even lead to the discovery of the correct answer.


In this workshop, I learned the value of accommodation. I was moved both times because there were too many people, so I went into a workshop not expecting to participate in that one. However, it was a fun challenge to change my mindset and go in with a positive attitude. Attending this workshop instead of the one that I originally chose helped me to gain skills in adaptability and accommodation, leading to a fun workshop despite the circumstances.


Headspace Meditation Docu-series #film

For my final Pentathlon of this semester, I watched a docu-series on Netflix titled Headspace: A Guide to Meditation. As I was looking for film options, this one immediately sparked my interest. I remembered watching a headspace video as a warm up or ending to Colloquium last semester! It was one of my favorite activities from first semester, so I decided to watch this and hopefully learn a little more. 


My favorite part of this film was how calming it was. Because it was a show about meditation, it included both descriptions of meditation techniques as well as "trial" times where the viewer could interact in guided meditation. This was especially relaxing and informational following a very busy school week and weekend.


By watching this I learned a lot about the value of meditation. I did not know very much prior to watching Headspace: A Guide to Meditation but after hearing about the narrator's personal experiences it was very straightforward to follow along. In addition, it opened my eyes to trying out meditation more. I often find myself struggling with relaxation and de-stressing techniques because I do not thing I am "good" at them, but the show did a great job of explaining that even if it seems wrong, it probably is not (or even if it is than that's part of the process.

Pentathlon: News

Pentathlon Semester 3

Pentathlon: Text

American Landscapes: The David C. Driskell Center #visualart

Event Logistics: September 20, 2021; home; Driskell Center website


Because I had a busy start to the semester and am still eager to learn more about what is around campus, I decided to stay local for this Pentathlon event. I was especially interested in the possible exhibits that are currently right on campus at the Driskell center. When looking for Pentathlon ideas, this one sparked my interest because I had never even heard of the David C. Driskell Cneter before. This exhibition also sounded very relevant to an art history course that I took last semester.


I definitely appreciated having this online format of the exhibition available, as it allowed me to read a little about how this exhibition came about as well as compare how creation date may have affected some of the artwork. As stated in the exhibition introduction/ description, over half of the 72 works came from the Driskell collection. This is interesting to me that so many of these works came directly from where I live and go to school. In addition, the time periods range from 1850 to 2020, meaning that these pieces are being analyzed and compared to artworks from different centuries.


The most interesting part of this exhibition to me was the contrast of time period. Because all of these pieces contribute to the genre of landscape art, I decided to focus on a part of the artwork that had more to contrast. As I looked through the artwork by creation date, I noticed that the medium transitioned from primarily oil on canvas to various types of mixed media and photography. I appreciated that as time went on, there appeared to be a wider variety of interpretations of landscape. 

Pentathlon: Welcome

Pentathlon 3: Saint Maud #film


Event logistics: October 16, 2021; home


A friend had suggested the movie Saint Maud, so as a much needed break I decided to host a small movie night last weekend with a couple of friends who expressed interest. The friend that recommended the movie to me is very interested in pursuing a job in the film industry, so as we watched the film he was able to provide lots of insight regarding how the film was created and what film techniques were used. 


My favorite part of this film was definitely the soundtrack. I love when movie writers take advantage of music in ways that allow for a contrast, such as using a happy sound in a sad scene or vice versa, and this film implemented some of that. In addition, the music added to the emotional reaction tot he film, which is part of why it made it so good in my opinion as it is a psychological horror movie.


By watching this film with my roommates and a couple friends, I was able to learn more about film making and how certain effects can be used to affect the viewer's reactions and perceptions. The final scene especially contributed a lot of talent from all participating groups of the film-making process, and it almost made me want to go out and try some of those techniques myself.

Pentathlon: Welcome

Pentathlon 4+5: Concert in the Quad feat. RAJAS


Event logistics: October 28, 2021; CCC 1100


As a musician, I always get excited whenever the opportunity arises for me to hear a fellow musician, especially a graduate of UMD. I am also trained classically (and a small bit of jazz), so it was quite interesting to hear this new type of music that to me sounded like a bland of jazz and contemporary. 


My favorite part of this concert was the opportunity to listen but also connect with the artists afterwards. As a wind player, I was very interested in the saxophone player and her experience. In addition, I also enjoyed the large variety in their pieces. I found it quite interesting how they were performing mainly improv. yet each of the pieces were so drastically. I connect to this personally because when studying jazz my main issue was always just finding something that worked and always using that technique regardless of the song or situation.


Through this concert, I learned more about the technique of South Asian drumming. Going in, I had to clue what to expect and it definitely exceeded my expectations. I appreciated how I could visually see the techniques used in the players, as well as the emotion and concentration needed. I would be interested in seeing this group perform again, and really appreciated the opportunity!

Pentathlon: Welcome

Pentathlon Semester Four

Pentathlon: Welcome
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Pentathlon 1: All-Nighter #VisualArt


Event logistics: February 4, 2021; Stamp


Upon learning about the All-Nighter, I was immediately excited for the event. It seemed like the perfect night to explore my creativity while hanging out with some friends. I was especially interested in the Build-A-Dino, roller skating, and some of the painting stations, not to mention the pin collecting going on throughout the night (which anyone who has seen my backpack knows I love). 


My favorite part of the evening had to be the Paint Anything station simply because it was so unexpected. Going in, I thought I would enjoy the Dino station but Paint Anything had bowling pins which really forced me to think outside the box. I love cows and ultimately decided to paint it cow print, and it has now become my favorite piece of decor because of how well it fits my personality. I also really enjoyed the pin making station. By the time I got there supplies were running low, which I actually enjoyed because it once again forced me to get creative and think outside of the box.


Through this event, I was able to utilize some creativity that I have not made the time for recently. Afterwards, I told my friend that the All-Nighter was exactly what I needed at the moment. Even though it was a little "elementary," it gave me the opportunity to express my creativity through a variety of mediums while simply spending an evening with friends. I appreciated how there was something for everyone there, and the free access was definitely a plus. I am now on the lookout for another similar opportunity in the future!




Pentathlon: Welcome

Pentathlon 2: But I'm A Cheerleader #film


Event logistics: February 14, 2022; Hoff Theater


For Valentine's Day, I decided to go see a movie with my friends! One of my friends is the SEE director and puts on movies at Hoff Theater, so when the opportunity arose I knew I wanted to go and support. Although I had seen clips from this movie before, I had never seen it all the way through.


My favorite part of the evening was definitely just getting to enjoy a fun comedy on Valentine's Day with some friends! I had a blast and loved how lighthearted the movie was. I could relate to a lot of the contents that the movie poked fun at, so I was the perfect audience for it. I also happened to run into one of my workshop attendees and she ended up sitting with us, so that was really fun to see someone from Art Scholars unexpectedly! 


Through this event, I was able to enjoy one of the most popular LGBTQ+ rom coms, and loved seeing how it took a stance in a light-hearted way. This ended up being the perfect way to spend a Valentine's Day evening!




Pentathlon: Welcome

Pentathlon 3: Zoolander #film


Event logistics: March 11, 2022; my apartment


This past Friday night, I innocently agreed to watch a fun movie with my roommates. Without expectations, this ended up making for a really fun evening to help destress after a couple of very long weeks. Besides just wanting an evening to relax and have fun with friends, I did not have any anticipations for the movie night.


Honestly, prior to watching this movie all that I knew was the title. And in my head, I thought that it was a movie about a zookeeper. But boy, was I wrong. This goofy film about a model, Derek Zoolander, can only be described in two words: fever dream. This film was so insane and stupid that it was exactly what I needed in the moment. As someone who loves reading overly deep into this kind of thing, I really appreciated how outrageous the movie was, but with slight undertones of more serious topics such as labor laws. In addition, this brought my household together which we truthfully had not been able to do in a while due to crazy schedules recently. Overall, I really enjoyed how obscure and weird this production was while being able to enjoy it with people I love.


By watching this film, I was able to experience a new "fever dream" of a movie, while being exposed to a new bizarre kind of film style. In the future, I would definitely be curious to know what was going on in the writer and production staff's heads, simply because I have no clue how this movie was even thought of in the first place. 




Pentathlon: Welcome

Pentathlon 4: Gimp Coffee and Crafts #artscholars #presentation


Event logistics: March 16, 2022; Bel Air Lounge


As soon as I saw the GroupMe notification about this Coffee and Crafts, I immediately knew I had to attend! Just by the word "gimp," I was so enticed about what it could possibly mean. After a very brief google search, I confirmed that I had never done this before and thought this workshop would be a great way to try something new! 


My favorite part of this afternoon would have to be the freedom and chill atmosphere. This was my first ever coffee and crafts (at least in person), so it was so nice to just relax with my peers and experiment with a new art method! Although I am quite familiar with the similar method of friendship bracelet making, this started out quite difficult to my surprise. At the beginning I definitely got a little frustrated, but once I got the hang of the strategy it was so relaxing!


Through this event, I was able to talk to some new people and even get some more information about what it is like to be a TA (which I may be considering). I ended up being the only sophomore at the event as far as I am aware, so it was great to meet some freshmen and hear a bit about their workshops! I also went straight home after the workshop and finished up the keychain, added my own special touch with some beads, and put it on my backpack! I have actually received a couple compliments on it which was super cool! I definitely loved this event and would totally attend again.




Pentathlon: Welcome

Pentathlon 5: UBand and Maryland Community Band Concert


Event logistics: April 7, 2022; Dekelboum Concert Hall @ Clarice Performing Arts Center


On April 7th, I went to the University Band and Maryland Community Band concert in CSPAC. I used to be part of Uband but unfortunately did not have room in my schedule this semester, so I thought that the least I could do is go support the musicians at their concert! I have so many friends and sorority sisters in the band so it was great to be able to go out and watch!


My favorite part of this event had to be seeing the contrast between the two bands. Community band is primarily composed of College Park residents and some professors and is relatively small but so talented. They played a great variety of pieces and I was mesmerized. The UBand portion was also so great! Although I was definitely disappointed that I could not be up there on the stage with them, it was still fun to listen and support so many of my friends! I also recognized a couple of the pieces from past bands that I had been involved in which was great to hear! Beyond this, the performance helped me to get back in "music mode" prior to some performances that I was involved in later in the week. This connected back to ArtScholars due to the listening experience as well as my Pep Band and MSOM courses. 


Through this event, I learned about supporting peers with their academic achievements, just like I hope friends do for me at Arts Fest. 




Pentathlon: Welcome

Charlotte Norris

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